what belongs to you will find you.

how wonderful that you are here.

KAP stands for kundalini activation process and is an embodied activation and transmission process of our life force. Kundalini is the energy that connects everything, our invisible source. The KAP energy contains a wide range of frequencies that serve higher states of consciousness and spiritual growth. From the upper energy centers, the energy flows to the base of your spine where your kundalini is located. When activated, it begins its ascent toward your crown. This creates an energetic cycle of ascending and descending energies.

what belongs to you will find you

How wonderful
that you are here.

KAP stands for kundalini activation process and is an embodied activation and transmission process of our life force. Kundalini is the energy that connects everything, our invisible source. The KAP energy contains a wide range of frequencies that serve higher states of consciousness and spiritual growth. From the upper energy centers, the energy flows to the base of your spine where your kundalini is located. When activated, it begins its ascent toward your crown. This creates an energetic cycle of ascending and descending energies.

kundalini activation process

what types of experiences are possible?

It is your process and as unique as you are, so is the spectrum of what you can experience. Your capacity to let go and surrender to the energy opens you up to the depth of the process. by lovingly let go of your expectations you enter into surrender and open yourself to the magic.

feeling the energy

you may feel the energy flowing through your body, pulsating, creating warmth or coolness

releasing emotional and mental blockages

it may be that previously blocked emotions want to be released and felt. You may want to scream, cry, or laugh. Any emotional release is welcome

visual experiences

often participants see images, lights or colors or have visions within

movements of your physical body

it may be that the energy wants to move you. So mudras, stretches, yoga postures, dance or shaking can flow through your body

nondual states of being

you can glide into the state of oneness, in which bliss and love flow through you. Deep insights and realizations can accompany you

and so much more

shed layer after layer of your conditioning and perceive yourself in your true nature. experience your deep inner truth and authenticity

kundalini activation process

what types of experiences are possible?

It is your process and as unique as you are, so is the spectrum of what you can experience. Your capacity to let go and surrender to the energy opens you up to the depth of the process. by lovingly let go of your expectations you enter into surrender and open yourself to the magic.

feeling the energy

you may feel the energy flowing through your body, pulsating, creating warmth or coolness.

visual experiences

often participants see images, lights or colors or have visions within.

releasing emotional and mental blockages

it may be that previously blocked emotions want to be released and felt. You may want to scream, cry, or laugh. Any emotional release is welcome.

movements of your physical body

it may be that the energy wants to move you. So mudras, stretches, yoga postures, dance or shaking can flow through your body.

nondual states of being

you can glide into the state of oneness, in which bliss and love flow through you. Deep insights and realizations can accompany you.

and so much more

shed layer after layer of your conditioning and perceive yourself in your true nature. experience your deep inner truth and authenticity.

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Next Upcoming Event


8 February 2025
- Ashtanga-Yoga-Raum Frankfurt
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Next Upcoming Event


8 February 2025
- Ashtanga-Yoga-Raum Frankfurt
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Thoughts come and go.
Feelings come and go.
Find out what remains.
- Ramana Maharshi -


with KAP, you walk the path of surrender and let yourself be carried by the energy. This is why KAP is different from traditional practices or kundalini experiences such as kundalini yoga, tantra or breathwork, in which the energy is raised through willful practice.

The KAP energy opens you up in the natural process of awakening only as far as you can surrender in that moment. It shows you exactly what you are ready to see. Allow yourself to let go and open to the process with childlike curiosity, because each KAP session is different.

your embodiment of the energy

being embodied means not only grasping knowledge with your mind, but anchoring it in your entire being. To feel connected to your own body and grounded in it, to perceive all your sensations emotionally and in your body. For your truth comes from the heart, not the mind.

most healing practices in modern society often reach the upper chakras, but rarely the full spectrum of our energy centers. But to truly change your life, you need the energy, as with kap, in the lower chakras as well. If the energy flows in balance, you can manifest a new reality for yourself. A reality where you draw healthy boundaries for yourself, create a deeper consciousness and a life in connection with your higher self.

- Venant Wong, founder of KAP -

„An awakened kundalinibody is a bridge to take you deeper into concsiousness and a bridge from your consciousness also back more into life“

- Venant Wong, Gründer von KAP -

„An awakened kundalinibody is a bridge to take you deeper into concsiousness and a bridge from your consciousness also back more into life“

KAP sessions

choose your session

In a KAP session we first take time to arrive and tune in. A demonstration is followed by 60 minutes of transmission and then a space for integration and sharing is created.

open class

55 120 minutes
  • get to know kap
    and start your inner journey
  • experience the energy in a group
  • perfect for beginners or to continue the process regularly

semi private

85 120 minutes
  • maximum 8 participants
  • more energetic
    attention for you
  • deepen your process and integration
  • also recommended for beginnerseignet


  • experience Lina's undivided attention
  • decide if you want to receive the energy at your home or in a location
  • deepening of your previous experiences


40 120 minutes
  • KAP is also possible from a distance, the energy is not bound to space and time
  • independent of your location
  • it is recommended to attend an open class first to experience KAP in person.
feel your heart calling?

trust your inner voice

0 +
KAP sessions
0 +
0 +
years experience

what my participants say

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then sign up now for my newsletter. Keep an eye on all the latest kap sessions and look forward to loving monthly insights!

With KAP you connect with everything that you are and always have been. You are allowed to unfold your true potential and look at the world with childlike curiosity again. Experience true authenticity and embody your truth, because all that is you!

my gallery

moments of kundalini activation process